June 18, 2017. Fifty-three children of Santa Maria del Mexicano received the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion in the primary school of Santa Maria. Bishop Faustino Armendáriz Jiménez, the bishop of the Diocese of Queretaro, presided and Father Jeremy Davis, the assistant director of Santa Maria, concelebrated the Mass. The children of Santa Maria receive their catechesis in house and are instructed by the religious of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. It was a joyful occasion for all! Many parents and godparents rejoiced with the mission as more children were sent off to preach and live the Gospel, driven by the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist! Thanks be to God!
Holy week in Santa María
April 2017
For the celebration of Holy Week the community of Santa Maria gathers to participate all together in the activities corresponding to this important week for us in which we remember the passion, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Trip to the Sierra Gorda
The first week of Easter some of the teenage girls went on a trip to the Sierra Gorda mountains. It was a beautiful day enjoying the waterfall and visiting a nearby swimming hole.
Sr. Guadalupe Celebrates 25 years of Religious Life
March 25, 2017. The Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows. Soriano, Mexico.
Sr. Maria Guadalupe Jimenez celebrated her 25th anniversary of Perpetual Vows in the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. She rejoiced with her religious community, her friends, her family, and her beloved children of Santa Maria del Mexicano.
Santa Maria Computer Lab
Utah State and Hope for Children Foundation visit Santa Maria, Feb. 16-20.
Thank you to Hope for Children, David, Carlos and students of landscape architecture from Utah State. Both came to investigate possible future projects to improve the lives of our residents. Thank you for helping Santa Maria!
Visit to Queretaro
New Website
Welcome to our new website! On this page we'll keep you up to date with everything happening at Santa Maria del Mexicano.